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B Avenir
Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible.


B Raleway
Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


 When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible. Line Spacing at 1.5


Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible.


Barlow Medium 
Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible. Line Spacing at 1.05; Character Spacing at 0.1 Too much work!​


Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


 When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible.


B Open Sans 
Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation,The Movement /1969, 5¢


The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, Angela Davis, 1971


Birth Control Pills and Black Children, Black Unity Party, Together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢


Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, Linda Thurston, 25¢


When I joined staff, salaries were a big issue. At my first staff meeting pay scales were discussed, probably prompted by the urgency of Tim’s campaign for higher wages; a new ceiling of $40.00/week was set, up from $35.00. That this was acceptable to a majority of the staff reflects the fact that the NEFP was attractive to people who were able to look at working at the press as a mission, a mission for which it was worthwhile to figure out ways to get by on as little money as possible.



Chelsea Market   Chelsey Market (with 0.05 character spacing)


CHELSEY MARKET     CHELSEY MARKET (for "headlines" 24 pt.)


A  B  C  D  E  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O   P  Q  R  S


 T  U  V W X  Y  Z  (30 pt. BOLD) [Note in Barlow Medium 16 pt, character spacing at 0.05; line spacing at 0.8: I'm bothered by how comparatively light are the letters C, D, and O in Chelsea Market.  I'm probably overthinking.]




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