Women’s Liberation
“Out of the conflict between our pain and the way we were socialized has been born a new creation: the women's liberation movement. Out of the conflict between the women’s liberation movement and society will be born a creature who does not yet exist: a liberated woman.”
~Meredith Tax, Woman and Her Mind: The Story of Daily Life
This seminal essay of the women’s liberation movement was published by the Free Press in 1970.
Evelyn Alloy, Working Women’s Music; The Songs and Struggles of Women in the Cotton Mills, Textile Plants and Needle Trades, 1978, $2.50
Isaac Asimov, Uncertain, Coy, and Hard to Please, 1969, 10¢
Martha Atkins, The Hidden History of the Female; The Early Feminist Movement in the United States
Jack Belden, Goldflower’s Story; A Peasant Woman in the Chinese Revolution, 1949, 30¢
Margaret Benston, The Political Economy of Women’s Liberation, 1969, 10¢
Berkeley Women’s Health Collective, Feeding Ourselves, 1972
Kitty Bernick, Marxism: A Syllabus Design for a Women's Course, 5¢
Black Panther Sisters Talk About Women’s Liberation, The Movement, 1969, 5¢
Black Unity Party, Birth Control Pills and Black Children, together with The Sisters Respond and Poor Black Women, 5¢
Boston Nurses Group, The False Promise; Professionalism in Nursing, 1978
Boston Women’s Health Collective, Our Bodies, Ourselves, 1970, 30¢
Boston Women’s Health Collective, Women and Their Bodies, 1970, 75¢
Bread and Roses, Boston Women’s Poetry Anthology, 1970
Vicki Breitbart, Day Care, Who Cares?: Corporate and Government Child Care Plans, 10¢
Mary A. Bufwack and Robert K. Oerman, Songs of Self-Assertion: Women in Country Music
Mari Jo Buhle, Women and the Socialist Party, 1901–1914, 1971
Mary Bularzik, Sexual Harassment at the Workplace; Historical Notes, 1978
Jenny Bull, High School Women: Oppression & Liberation, 1970
Barbara Carson, The Bottle Baby Scandal; Milking the Third World for All its Worth, 1977
Donna Cherniak and Allen Feingold, Birth Control, Abortion, and Venereal Disease, Handbook Collective
Donna Cherniak and Allen Feingold, Birth Control Handbook, Handbook Collective, 1972, 15¢
Donna Cherniak, Allen Feingold, and Members of the Montreal Health Collective, VD Handbook, 1973
Tom Christoffel and Katherine Kaufer, The Political Economy of Male Chauvinism, 20¢
Angela Davis, The Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves, 1971
Dana Densmore, Sex Roles and Female Oppression: A Collection of Articles, 10¢
Alice DeRivera, Jumping the Track (High School Tracking), 5¢
Ellen DuBois, Struggling Into Existence: The Feminism of Sarah and Angelina Grimke, 10¢
Roxanne Dunbar, Female Liberation as the Basis for Social Revolution, 10¢
Roxanne Dunbar, Poor White Women, 2/5¢
Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Complaints and Disorders; The Sexual politics of Sickness, 1973
Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Witches, Midwives, and Nurses; A History of Women Healers,
Frederich Engels, The Early Development of the Family, 1884, 30¢
Friedrich Engels, The Origin of the Family
Marla Erlien, Madge Kaplan, Julie Palmer, Sandy Stein, More Than a Choice; Women Talk about Abortion, Abortion Action Coalition, $1.00
Feminist Studies Program of Cambridge-Goddard Graduate School, Women and Psychology 50¢
Shulamith Firestone, On-the-job Oppression of Working Women: A collection of articles: We Usually Don’t Hire Married Girls, Anon.; The Politics of Housework, Pat Mainardi; Lower Your Voice, Swallow Your Gum, Anon.; Woman's Place is in the Hospital, Jean Tepperman; Be Charmed, Shulamith Firestone, 20¢
Trudy Foote, Susan Holbert, Ilze Petersons, Badgie Rankin, Carlene Taillon, Class and Self-image; A Women’s Group Talks about Personal Power and Powerlessness, , 1977
Jane Freeman, Marge Piercy, Getting Together; How to Start a Women’s Liberation Group; Outreach Committee, Cape Cod Women’s Liberation, 25¢
Ann Froines, Women’s Work is Never Done; A Dramatic Reading on the History of Working Women in American, 1972
Mary Lou Greenberg, Women and Socialism, 20¢
Phyllis Taube Greenleaf, Liberating Young Children From Sex Roles; Experiences in Day Care Centers, Play Groups, and Free Schools, 1972
Felix Greene, A Divorce Trial in China, 1960, 10¢
Lyn Goldfarb, Separated and Unequal; Discrimination Against Women Workers after World War II (the U.A. W. 1944 - 54), 1978
Linda Gordon, Families, 1970, 25¢
Louise Gross, Phyllis MacEwan, On Day Care, 1970, 5¢
Ann D. Gordon, Mari Jo Buhle, Nancy Schrom Dye, Women in American Society, 1972
Linda Gordon, The Fourth Mountain; Women in China, 1973
Linda Gordon and Allen Hunter, Sex, Family, and the New Right, 1978
Rachael Grossman, Women's Place in the Integrated Circuit
Peggy Hopper and Steve Soldz, I Don't Want to Change My Lifestyle, I Want to Change My Life, 5¢
Beverly Jones and Judith Brown, Toward a Female Liberation Movement, 1968, 20¢
Joan Jordan, The Place of American Women; Economic Exploitation, 1968, 10¢
Anne Koedt, The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, 5¢
Elinor Langer, The Women of the Telephone Company, 1970, 20¢
Isabel Larguia, John Dumoulin, Towards a Science of Women’s Liberation; An Analysis from Cuba, 50¢
Lisa Leghorn and Betsey Warrior, What’s a Wife Worth?, 1974
Phyllis Lehmann, Protecting Women Out of Their Jobs
Laurel Limpus, Liberation of Women; Sexual repression and the Family, 5¢
Priscilla Long, Mother Jones, Woman Organizer, 1976
Pat Mainardi, The Politics of Housework, 5¢
Experiences in Day Care Centers, Play Groups, and Free Schools, Phyllis Taube MacEwan, 25¢
Inez Maury, My Mother and I are Growing Strong; Mi Mama y yo nos Hacemos Fuertes
Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood, Bread and Roses, ; and Alice D. Rivera - Jumping the track–both from Leviathan #3, 25¢
Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood, What Is the Revolutionary Potential of Women's Liberation?, 15¢
Juliet Mitchell, Women: The Longest Revolution, 15¢
Brenda Mull, Our Struggle Against Levi-Strauss
New England Free Press, Women's Liberation Stickers (8 1/2 x 11 sheet of one dozen), 5¢
New England Free Press, Pregnant man poster, 10¢
Marge Piercy, The Grand Coolie Damn, 1969, 10¢
Radicalesbians, A Letter from Mary, and Woman Identified Woman, 5¢
Radicalesbians, Woman Identified Woman, and A Letter from Mary, 5¢
Red Papers 3, Women and Socialism; Women in the Liberation Struggle; An Overview; Ma Bell Has Fleas – And a Lot of Angry Workers
Evelyn Reed, The Myth of Women’s Inferiority, 1959, 15¢
Shashana Rihn and Mary Jezer, Which Way to the Revolution?
Patricia Robinson, Poor Black Women, 5¢
Ken Rosenberg and Gordon Schiff, eds., The Politics of Health Care, An Annotated Bibliography
Dale Ross Rubenstein, How the Russian Revolution Failed Women, 20¢
The San Francisco Women's History Group (Kathleen Drolet, Peggy Elwell, Minnie Favre, Melanie Jennings, Carol Tokeshi), What Have Women Done? A Photo Essay, $1.50
Barbara A. Schram, Building Blocks of Parent Decision-making
Louise Shell, The Lonely Girl in the Big City, 20¢
Meredith Tax, Woman and Her Mind: The Story of Daily Life, 1970
Jean Tepperman, On-the-job Oppression of Working Women: A collection of articles: We Usually Don’t Hire Married Girls, Anon.; The Politics of Housework, Pat Mainardi; Lower Your Voice, Swallow Your Gum, Anon.; Woman's Place is in the Hospital, Jean Tepperman; Be Charmed, Shulamith Firestone, 20¢
Jean Tepperman, Sixty Words a Minute and What Do You Get? Clerical Workers Today, 50¢
Linda Thurston Are Women Free Yet?
Linda Thurston, Birth Control, Abortion, Venereal Diseases, 25¢
Up Haste Bookstore, Books by Women (and Some Men) Relevant to Women’s Liberation, 1972
Stephanie Urdang, A Revolution Within a Revolution: Women in Guinea-Bissau, 50¢
Lise Vogel, Women Workers; Some Basic Statistics, 1980, 10¢
Betsy Warrior, Females and Welfare, 2/5¢
Betsy Warrior, Wifebeating, 1976, 40¢
Lynn Wells, American Women: Their Use and Abuse 1969, 10¢
Naomi Weisstein, Kinder, Kirche, Kuche: Psychology Constructs the Female, or, The fantasy life of the male psychologist, 1971, 15¢
Ilene Winkler, Women Workers; The Forgotten Third of the Working Class, 20¢
Marcia Womangold, Pornography; A License to Kill, 50¢
Connie Young Yu, The People's Bi-Centenial Quilt: A Patchwork History, 1976, $3