Latin America by Title
The New Strategy for U.S. Investment in Latin America, Edie Black, 1968
The Argument of Latin America; Words for North Americans, Carlos Fuentes, 1963, 15¢
The Battle of Chile, An Interview with Patricio Guzman, Julianne Burton
Bolivia Between Revolutions, James Petras, 10¢
Cuba and Imperialism: the PreRevolutionary Background, Edward Boorstein, 1968
Cuba’s Revolutionary Medicine, Willis P. Butler, 1968
Cuba’s Workers, Worker’s Cuba, Maurice Zeitlin, 1959, 50¢
Do You Want to Go to War in El Salvador?, Common Sense for Hard Times
Exploitation or Aid? U.S.Brazil Economic Relations; The facts and mechanisms of imperialism – A Case Study, Andre Gunder Frank, 1964, 15¢
Food for Profit, American Aid in Guatemala, Tom Bodenheimer, 5¢
Guevara, Debray and the CIA, Richard Gott, 10¢
Introduction to Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class, 1969
A New Look at US Investments in Latin America, Edie Black, 10¢
LIsten Liberals! A Description of Puerto Rico's New Struggle for Liberation, Rodolfo Rodriguez
The Long March in Latin America; Guerilla Movements; Theory and Practice,Regis Debray, 1965, 50¢
Mexico, NACLA, $1
The New Struggle for Puerto Rico’s Independence, Juan Mari Bras, 1969
Puerto Rico; A Colony of the United States, Puerto Rican Youth Movement, 1969
Revolution and Counterreveloution in the Dominican Republic, Leo Huberman and Paul Sweey, 10¢
Seven Erroneous Theses about Latin America, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, 1967
Social Revolution in Latin America; the role of U.S. aid, Robert Smith, 1965
Under the Cloak and Behind the Dagger, The CIA in Chile, NACLA, 25¢
Uruguay’s Urban Guerillas, Marysa Gerassi, 1969, 5¢
What is Happening in Peru?, James Petras & Nelson Rimensnyder, 10¢
Whither the Nicaraguan Revolution?, James Petras